Ewing sarcoma in 8-month-old girl

INTRODUCTION/PURPOSE: The paper presents a case of a 6-month-old girl with a large left arm tumor detected after birth. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The paper show You a case report the smolest megaendoprosthesis of the humerus in the world in such smaal children. After the biopsy, Ewing’s sarcoma was diagnosed. The performed imaging examinations showed a large tumor comprising 2/3 of the left left humerus with a large tumor in soft and exalted tissues. In addition, a metastatic lesion was visible in the proximal left humerus. There were no metastatic lesions in the remaining bones and in the lungs. Chemotherapy treatment was introduced. After applying 6 neoadjuvant chemotherapy treatments according to The Euroewing 2008 program has been significantly reduced. The tumor volume decreased 3 times. This allowed to plan the removal of the tumor along with the entire humerus and soft tissue tumor. In order to reconstruct the resulting cavity, the humeral endoprosthesis was made using the 3 D printing technique. The procedure was performed on 5/12/2017. No complications were observed after the procedure. Currently, the patient finisched adjuvant chemotherapy. RESULTS: The treatment was radical surgically. Intensive rehabilitation was applied. A full range of movements was achieved both in the shoulder and elbow joints. There were no movement and sensory deficits in the left arm. We consider the treatment effect as very good. CONCLUSION: The 3D technique allows the preparation of even whole bone implants for a particular patient. This allows you to restore full operative efficiency of the operated limb. It was the first such treatment in the world.

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