Background: Recently, there is a growth of the number of seniors suffering from the oral cavity cancer to observe. Most of them are not recognised in an early phase of its development, what results in constant low survival rate of the old patients. Aim.The aim of the study was to determine the oral cavity cancer occurrence frequency concerning patients coming from Lublin voivodeship (Poland) respectively during period of 10 years. Methods: The group comprises of 132 persons, 82 med and 50 women. They were divided into 3 groups according to the age: under 44 years, 45-59 and over 60 years and the presence of oral cancer was checked on their medical history. Results: In the examined group 102 (77,27%) diagnoses cases of tumors constituted as malignant, however they were clearly occurred at men than at women. They were most often in the age group 45-59 (84 cases) and over 60 years (47 cases). Research also showed that tumors were mostly placed in the the bottom of the oral cavity, on the tongue and in the mandible. In men the oral cancer was mostly located in the floor of the oral cavity, when it comes to women – on the tongue. Conclusions: The study group comprised high prevalence of the oral cavity cancer in older patients. Therefore, the detailed examination of the oral cavity is a crucial in oral cancer early detection.

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