The poster will be a loop of postcards of older Greeks drawn from a collection of over 450 Greek and Cypriot tourist postcards containing older men (301) and women (215), mainly from the period 1988-2005. Striking evidence of the oral health of these older, mainly rural people is provided. 50 postcards were close-ups allowing an observation of the oral health of those in the photographs. ( 5 had good teeth, whether as dentures or as original teeth; 13 had no teeth, 9 had bad teeth. In 23 photos it was impossible to know the state of oral health. Some faces (approximately 12, predominantly women) were sunk around the mouth suggesting the absence of teeth. Many men sported large moustaches and beards making it difficult to know if their teeth were in a good state. This recent, historical collection, reflected the state of oral health of older mainly rural men and women.

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