An important number of the elderly have chewing problems due to the absence of dental elements or the use of incongruous prostheses. This element has always been considered to be in association with dietary deficiencies of macro and micro nutrients.

The aim of the study was to investigate the association between mastication and nutrients intake by means of a literature systematic review.

 Materials and methods: The following data base were used: PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Embase, Tripdatabase. Articles were selected using the key words “denture” OR “mastication” AND “nutrition” OR “elderly”. The search comprised articles written in English and published between 1991 and 2018. Overall, 1208 studies were analyzed, 23 fulfilled the inclusion criteria, among which 5 cross-sectional studies and 18 clinical trials. 

Results: 2 cross-sectional studies reported that a better masticatory performance provides the elderly with a higher micro and macro-nutrients intake, in particular vegetables and fibers, while the other 3 studies didn’t highlight any differences.

6 RCTs showed an increased macro and micro-nutrients intake after inserting a new prosthesis or following the improvement of masticatory conditions, while the other 12 RCTs didn’t show any variations.

Conclusions: nutrients intake in the elderly depends not only on oral conditions and masticatory performance, but the influence of other factors is suggested. Nutritional counseling is an important factor to improve nutrients intake in the elderly and it is recommended to be associated with the prosthetic rehabilitation treatment. 

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